Autore: Antonio Bacciocchi



Il nuovo singolo del progetto Veronica Howle, intitolato “Ira”, è una toccante riflessione sulla guerra e le sue devastanti conseguenze personali e sociali.


FELDSPAR – 18 Karat

“18 Karat” is a high-energy song that plays on the stereotypes of success, the fleeting pursuit of it, and the deviations tied to the quest for visibility and personal approval, sought ten, a hundred times a day. Essentially, it’s about designing one’s life as a fairy tale and presenting it in the public arena to gauge how much social approval we receive.


ANALOGIC – Ode Nichilista

Gli ANALOGIC pubblicano il videoclip di “ODE NICHILISTA”, il secondo singolo tratto dal loro primo album in studio: “EVA”. Un brano esoterico con influenze Prog che grida al ritorno alla vita; una lotta al Nulla con la dolcezza e il coraggio di mostrarsi a nudo.


SBARCO – The Future 

The album took shape and unfolds as a mental journey through fundamental themes (loneliness, despair, love and hope) where the maritime imagery serves to narrate the simplest and most universal emotions in a mystical and evocative way. The path unfolds by itself; is it relevant to question about its endline? It will always be all wrong, everything to be redone. Or maybe not.