Video da parte di DOME

El Santo is the sophomore album by Dome La Muerte E.X.P., published seven years after their debut release Lazy Sunny Day. The uniqueness of this musical project lies in the electro sound inspired by the Spaghetti Western soundtracks and the expanded atmospheres created by maestro Ennio Morricone to accompany Sergio Leone’s cinematic imagery.

El Santo is an album conceived as an authentic soundtrack. Distorted dark blues sounds blend with canyon echoes and dreamy melodies. ‘Riding Home’ is a ride, a soundscape that gently combs the hair; ‘Lee Van Cleef’ ‘Stick Man Blues’ and ‘Rebel Face’ are timeless musical gems.

It is a concept album with a social and political background. Each song is dedicated to revolutionary characters, heroes fighting against injustice, and the establishment. Each track is a story of redemption and courage full of poets, actors, activists, Native Americans, and rebels, all “saints” in their own way.

Antonio Bacciocchi

Scrittore, musicista, blogger. Ha militato come batterista in una ventina di gruppi (tra cui Not Moving, Link Quartet, Lilith), incidendo una cinquantina di dischi e suonando in tutta Italia, Europa e USA e aprendo per Clash, Iggy and the Stooges, Johnny Thunders, Manu Chao etc. Ha scritto una decina di libri tra cui "Uscito vivo dagli anni 80", "Mod Generations", "Paul Weller, L’uomo cangiante", "Rock n Goal", "Rock n Spor"t, Gil Scott-Heron Il Bob Dylan Nero" e "Ray Charles- Il genio senza tempo". Collabora con i mensili “Classic Rock”, "Vinile" e i quotidiani “Il Manifesto” e “Libertà”. E' tra i giurati del Premio Tenco e del Rockol Awards. Da sedici anni aggiorna quotidianamente il suo blog dove parla di musica, cinema, culture varie, sport e con cui ha vinto il Premio Mei Musicletter del 2016 come miglior blog italiano. Collabora con Radiocoop dal 2003.

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