I’m Stefano and the name of my “imaginary” band is Lama Keeper, inspired by the town where I live, “Lama”, a small province in the south of Italy overlooking a beautiful sea, where I grew up and to which I am very attached, which is why I feel it’s a keeper! I don’t have much to say about my musical journey…

I’m a creative, I’ve been writing songs and demos practically since I was taught music in elementary school. At 16, after seeing Nirvana’s Unplugged, I wanted to play and write songs like that… so I started buying instruments and equipment to make my own music. Over the years I became passionate about many genres of rock, from the grunge of the Seattle groups to the trash metal of Slayer and Metallica, obviously passing through the punk of Green Day and Offspring. So my songs are always a mix of these musical genres and the music I have in my head, mixed with my life experiences: friendships, love, pain, anger and desire for redemption; the right basis to bring out a badass and energetic rock!

Debut mini album Always Possible releases on February 12, 2025!

Antonio Bacciocchi

Scrittore, musicista, blogger. Ha militato come batterista in una ventina di gruppi (tra cui Not Moving, Link Quartet, Lilith), incidendo una cinquantina di dischi e suonando in tutta Italia, Europa e USA e aprendo per Clash, Iggy and the Stooges, Johnny Thunders, Manu Chao etc. Ha scritto una decina di libri tra cui "Uscito vivo dagli anni 80", "Mod Generations", "Paul Weller, L’uomo cangiante", "Rock n Goal", "Rock n Spor"t, Gil Scott-Heron Il Bob Dylan Nero" e "Ray Charles- Il genio senza tempo". Collabora con i mensili “Classic Rock”, "Vinile" e i quotidiani “Il Manifesto” e “Libertà”. E' tra i giurati del Premio Tenco e del Rockol Awards. Da sedici anni aggiorna quotidianamente il suo blog dove parla di musica, cinema, culture varie, sport e con cui ha vinto il Premio Mei Musicletter del 2016 come miglior blog italiano. Collabora con Radiocoop dal 2003.

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